Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cato's new home

My name is Cato.  On December 11, 2010, I was "rescued" by a nice lady named Pattie from the shelter where she works.  I was brought in by a lady who had only had me in her home for three days.  She was afraid of me and I was a very naughty boy.  I was given to her by someone else and I had a few homes before that.  But it all changed on December 11th because Pattie took me home.  I was really scared and growled and snarled all the time.  I didn't trust her.  Pattie worked with me and made me a happy dog.  She taught me to sit up and beg and do "high five." 

On January 22nd, 2013, I got a new home again.  But this time, I have two parents and a little sister named Krystie.  I am a Lhasa Apso, five years old and Krystie is a mix of Lhasa Apso and something else.  She is four years old.  I came to live with my new family because my Mama Pattie needed to let me go to a new home and make way for other dogs that she could "rescue."  I was very growly and depressed when she left me at my new home, but I can tell you that I am a much better dog now.

I don't growl anymore, I did snap at the dog doctor, but I was confused as to why he put a needle in my leg and someone had to hold me tight to give me shots.  I felt really tired the rest of the day.  I don't like it when my mom looks at my teeth and I don't like having my back feet picked up, so I growl.  However, I am getting better.  I was real good when my parents took me and my sister to a lady who cut my hair, gave me a bath, clipped my nails and made me feel pretty.  I don't like the hair dryer, but she figured out what to do to make me not so scared.

I like to sit on a lap, but I also like to chill out on the sofa or floor.  I have some toys to play with and like to squeak the dog toy and play tug-of-war with my dad.  Sometimes Krystie and I play together with the toys and we wrestle on the floor.

I also like to chase squirrels and make them go up a tree.  I will go to the bottom of the tree and bark at the squirrel if I can see it.  I want to chase cars, too, but I am on a leash when I am outside.  Sometimes my mom puts the "buzzy" collar on me and pushes a button when I don't listen.  I will probably not ever stop worrying the squirrels, but I won't be chasing after cars.  My parents are going to put a wire underground called "invisible fence" and Krystie and I will wears "buzzy" collars when we go out.  If we get too close to the underground wire, we get a shock from our collar.  We will be trained to stay in one area of the yard and can probably still chase the squirrels, but won't be near the traffic.

Well, I think I should save another story for next time.  My mom is writing this for me, but they are my thoughts exactly.  I will let Krystie tell her story next.  I would like to hear from other shelter dogs and where they came from, how they're doing and behaving.  We are "special,", not just to our new homes, but to all the other pets out there who have lived in a shelter and feel they are unwanted. 

I love my new home and parents and little sister.


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